Tuesday, May 31, 2011

with roaring thunder comes tricky fish

fished for about 4 hours afterschool today, i knew  the water would be up and a wee bit off color but i decided to give it a go anyways,    took a while to get any bites. i worked the same stretch of water for a while hooking one fish and missing a few good bites.  a bit frustrated i move downstream to one of my favorite sptos i haven't fished sicne opening day, ended up missing quite a few bites ,hooked and loosing one good fish and landing 3.  not huge fish but he was decent sized and took line.   there was a thunderstorm about halfway through the trip   wich was pretty cool. it wasnt much of a big oen though.    the rain seemed to turn the bite on in my favor but i couldnt get a solid hookset. i need to work on my hooksets while fly fishing

Monday, May 30, 2011

The one that got away

i Lost a long battle with what i assume to be a cutthroat the went over 17 inches ... and boy did he put up a fight. i was nymphing a slick above some fast water and it was only like 3 ft deep. missed 3 strikes before hooking up and the fish stayed in the general area for about 30 seconds tugging and shaking it's head, then when i tried pulling it closer it rocketed downstream into fast water zipping alot of line off my reel, i lightly palmed the spool hoping to slow the fish down and it didnt help much, eventually after about 2 minutes i managed to get the fish a wee bit closer getting a glimpse of silver in the shallows, i starting stripping line and bringing him closer, once again when he got close he turned around and went into the swift water again. for another 20-30 seconds i struggled to keep him out of the swifter water so my 4lb test leader didnt break.. i stripped a it of line and thought i had won the battlle.. WRONG! he turned around and i saw a glimse of silver and my flies came out of the water and landed infront of me.i felt defeated but honored at the same time. honored to feel the tug of a beast cutthroat at the end of my line. after closer examination to determine what went wrong the hook was broken on my size 16 beadhead rainbow prince.. out of all things, my hook broke not my leader.. i was quite disapointed. i only landed 2 fish today and hooked and lost another 4 idk why i lost so many fish but i had a good day and caught some pretty little fish. it started to rain around 7:30 pm and i braved the weather for 30 minutes before my hands went numb, then called it a day.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

another day,another suprise

Went down to the town portion of my favorite stream to do some fly fishing, fshed below the city park  and caught 3 fish in the first few stretches of water and noticed other fisherman..  i have rarely seen anyone fishing here  so it was kind of a shocker but they seemed to be doing catch and release like me so that was good to see.   caught a few more fish and headed upriver  missing a few strikes here and there, had to replace a few flies because the teeth on the cutthroat tear flies apart fairly quick.  After heading up further i spotted 2 more fisherman,..now i know for sure my internet fishing reports on the website oregonfishingforum.com    have led to more fishing pressure in this stream, there were also 2 local highschoolers  down under a bridge with 2 little kids  trying to catch and keep..   i recognized them  so i went down to fish and chat, they only had one small fish on the stringer and were having trouble catching fish (they were using big spoons and spinners)  so i decided to cast, ended up outfishing them all with my rainbow prince nymph  i got from bigyflyco.com  this is by far my favorite nymph for indicator fishing, its a badass attractor pattern and has caught over 10 fish for me these past 2 days.    they begged for me to give them my fish  to eat but i refused and released them all, including the biggest fish of the day that took line and gave me a run for my money,      they kept pushing it upon me to give up the fish i was catching but i said no and keep releasing, eventually the bite died off in that one pocket since i had caught 4 fish there, so i  moved upstream  caught 1 more and called it a day and went to work i will be taking my dad down to the city park tomorrow and try to get him his first fish on a fly rod.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

opening day of trout fishing

My favorite little creek opened up for trout today and i hit it in the morning and evening  hoping for some fish..got a good amount of fish including my biggest fish on the fly this  year.  all were on variations of the bead head prince nymph.    fishing was tough on the upper reaches with increased flows and cooler water from runoff  but i managed to get 4 fish up there, then got into loads of fish in the lower stretches  (water isnt as fast/high )      it was a great day, i got a good 5 miles bike ride in  on the way to fishing the upper section, i  found some new spots and  had a good time.     going out again tomorrow.. fishing up even higher  possibly    enjoy the pictures!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

a few little ones

went down to the coast range river again and got a few small ones, one pic is foggy because the camera was dropped in the water! haha. IT still works though.   These fish put up a fight for how small they are.  i got 3 fish that trip  ..  2/3 fish were taken on a size 14 rainbow prince nymph and   one was on a size 12 bead head rubber leg prince nymph.  It was fun for such a short trip.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

coast range river fly fishing

Fished a small coast range river for native cutthroat trout with a few of my friends today,   i had hit this same stream 2 days i a row before this one landing more then 3 fish each time on a dry (the weather was good)  but today it was a bit colder outside and fish were barely rising,  we fished dries for hours  with no success when my friend Dave says "this spot looks perfect for nymphing, i'm going to nymph". He tied on a very effective attractor pattern with a smaller dropper fly and casted. At the end of the drift on the first cast his indicator went under water and he set the ho fast and hard. The fish put up a hard fight for a short amount of time before i tailed it like a steelhead and handed it off to Dave so i could take a picture of it in his hands.  We Got a picture then released it,  as soon as that ended he tossed me the same 2 flies he used and   helped  guide me   with nymphing since i am a beginner at fly fishing,   i got the mend down and we  headed upstream to another deep spot perfect for heavy flies with extra weight and a long ass leader.  i casted, let it swing at the end and bam!! i set the hook and  the fish snapped me off, it was later discovered my surgeons knot was not tied very well. After  few more missed strikes we moved downriver to one last spot for the day, awesome looking water with a green color too it, perfect shelf at the drop off,  nice holding water. We fished there for quite a while with dave getting one missed fish, then he ties on a dry fly and heads to a more shallow pool,  fished it fora while and got a strike and missed it again!  action was starting to heat up at the warmest part of the day and it got exciting. I headed down below dave to a small run no deeper then 2 feet.  second cast i got a bite and missed it again.. these fish were catching us off guard!  i soon decided to go upstream to a nice nymphing slot i had my eye on,It gave me the feeling.  first 7 casts got nothing but stayed confident. then, at the end of my 8th cast at the middle of the drift my indicator went under and halfway across the stream before i stripped some line and lifted up to set the hook. My line was tight, fish on!!!! i yelled as Dave turns around to see my rod doubled over and a beautiful little cutthroat jumping,  as i got the fish in i saw he had taken my smaller bead head  rainbow prince nymph variation i was testing out and it had excellent results getting more then 3 bites on a small stretch of water. after getting a picture of the fish we released it  and  soon  headed upstream after rose hooked and lost 2 fish  in the spot me and Dave got nothing. First cast my indicator goes down hard! i set the hook, feel a head shake and gone!  do it again,  the aggressive fish goes for it again!! and i missed again.. little bastard was mouthing it not eating it! at least that's what i think.. anyways he took it again this time  really hard! i set the hook only to see a flash and a line without a double fly setup  come out of the water..  another failed surgeons knot.. AHH!!!  i tied on another flashy prince variation with flash wings instead of traditional white, and got hammered the first cast, miss it again..from there on out we had no more fish and called it a day. a great day   although we didn't catch alot of fish  fishing in general is a good day in my book. especially hen it's spent with friends. The picture on top is me and the second one is Dave with his beautiful native coastal cutthroat