Tuesday, February 21, 2012

steelhead fishing on the coast

sunday we headed to the coast range for a bit of steelhead fishing, i ended up hooking two dead drifting egg patterns under and indicator but they both came off sadly, i taught my dad how to bobber fish because he is new to steelhead fishing and he got good at it pretty quick, at the end of the day i swung a few flies through a tailout hoping to get the fish resting in it to take my pink moal leech,the fly didn't go very deep because it didn't need to, the tailout was quite shallow and the fly was right in the fishes face but they would not commit (im new to swinging so my casts were short,sloppy and i may have mended my line a few to many times, but a few of the swings i made looked pretty darn good!  i just think the fish were spooked because we were walking around, i would have creeped down to the water if i knew they were there ahead of time, im about done with winter steelhead for the year and gearing up for trout season, redsides and cutthroat are staring to gobble flies in the mid/south valley streams, i hope to visit a smaller one that has very little pressure soon. ill have pictures/video up when i return


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

keep on fishin!

Well i am still yet to land a winter steelhead on the fly, it has proven tough i am 0 for 3 so far this season, all strikes/hookups have came on  dead drifted egg patterns under a strike indicator and i have also missed several strikes where i set the hook then there is a flash then no bites at all after that. i am starting to get a little discouraged but im sure my day will come. I'm about done with winter steel for the season(really low on gear and trout fishing begins soon) but i will be making atleast 2 more trips before the end of march to try and get my first steelhead.
ive decided to pick up a few moal leeches to try out on the next outing i have not done any swinging yet im sure it wont hurt to try