Friday, May 9, 2014

How to pass time & new url update

The one sucky part about planning a fishing trip in advance? the wait. Coping with the wait ,especially when a week or longer, can kill me. So i decided to make it productive. The trip planned is a stillwater trip with friends for next weekend.A lot of preparation goes into these trips because of the complexity of the rigs used for chironomid fishing. Though simplified, they still aren't your run of the mill tapered 9ft leader and dry fly rig, or anything near that.

Today i spent my time with a tape measure and leader materials making sections for leaders specific lengths, for specific lakes and depths. Though i am not near an expert stillwater angler the experience i do have lets me narrow down leader section lengths, so i don't have to spend my time guessing what lengths i should make out of what size leader.

Still have a mess to clean up from that but now on to putting my strike indicators together and re organizing my fly box. Ive spent quite a bit of time filling the box in the past few days as well trying to help pass the time.

Here are some recent ties, recipes will be available shortly.  On another note, the url of this blog has been changed to be more fitting, i realize this has been an inconvenience for thsoe who commonly view the blog, but strings should all be worked out shortly.Obviously if you are viewing this psot you have already found out, but for future reference  the new url for pacific northwest fly fishing is  linked below

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